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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # vim:cindent:ts=2:sw=2:et:fdm=marker:cms=\ #\ %s
- #
- # $Id: install-docs.in 189 2009-04-26 22:57:37Z robert $
- use warnings;
- use strict;
- # declared in Debian::DocBase::InstallDocs;
- use vars qw($fully_functional $opt_verbose $opt_debug $opt_update_menus $opt_rootdir $exitval
- my $version='0.9.3';
- print STDERR "install-docs called from ".
- $ENV{'DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_PACKAGE'} . "'s maintainer script, exiting\n"
- exit 0;
- }
- $fully_functional = eval {
- require Pod::Usage;
- import Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
- require Debian::DocBase::Common;
- import Debian::DocBase::Common;
- require Debian::DocBase::InstallDocs;
- import Debian::DocBase::InstallDocs;
- require Debian::DocBase::Utils;
- import Debian::DocBase::Utils;
- require Debian::DocBase::Gettext;
- import Debian::DocBase::Gettext;
- 1;
- };
- warn $@ if $@;
- }
- =head1 NAME
- install-docs - manage online Debian documentation
- =cut
- # set umask explicitly
- umask 022;
- # constants
- my $do_dwww_update = 1;
- my $force_reregister_flagfile = "/var/lib/doc-base/info/FORCE-REREGISTER.flag";
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- install-docs [options] -i,--install | -r,--remove | -c,--check file [ file ... ]
- install-docs [options] -I,--install-all | -C,--install-changed | -R,--remove-all
- install-docs [options] -s,--status docid [ docid ... ]
- install-docs [options] --dump-db dbname
- install-docs -h,--help | -V,--version
- B<install-docs> is a tool allow Debian package maintainers to register
- documentation to various documentation systems. It currently supports
- B<dhelp>, B<dwww>, B<doc-central>, and B<scrollkeeper> browsers.
- This manual page provides a quick synopsis of B<install-docs> usage.
- Full documentation can be found in the documentation, including a
- description of the control file syntax and grammar.
- =head1 OPTIONS
- =over 4
- =cut
- sub _CheckArgCount($$) {
- my ($cnt, $option) = @_;
- ++$cnt;
- if ($option eq "install-all" or$option eq "install-changed" or $option eq "remove-all") {
- die sprintf _g("Too many arguments for `%s'"), $option unless $cnt == 0;
- }
- elsif ($option eq "dump-db") {
- die sprintf _g("`%s' requires exactly one argument"), $option unless $cnt == 1;
- }
- else {
- die sprintf _g("Arguments missing for %s"), $option if $cnt == 0;
- }
- }
- sub CheckFunctionality(;$) { # {{{
- my $dont_force_reg = shift;
- if (not $fully_functional) {
- open F, "> $force_reregister_flagfile"
- or die sprintf _g("Cannot create %s: %s\n"), $force_reregister_flagfile, $!;
- print F "x";
- close F;
- exit 0;
- }
- if (!$dont_force_reg && -e $force_reregister_flagfile) {
- Inform( _g("Re-registation of all documents forced by %s"), $force_reregister_flagfile);
- unlink ($force_reregister_flagfile);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- } # }}}
- #### Parse arguments loop #####
- #
- exit(1) if not $fully_functional and $#ARGV < 0;
- pod2usage(-verbose => 0, -exitval => 1) if $#ARGV < 0 ;
- while (my $arg = shift @ARGV) {
- # try to handle concatenation of options e.g. `-vdi' instead of `-v -d -i'
- if ($arg =~ /^(-\w)(\w+)$/) {
- $arg = $1;
- unshift(@ARGV, "-".$2)
- }
- if (($arg eq '-v') or ($arg eq '--verbose')) { # {{{
- =item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
- Operate verbosely.
- =cut
- $opt_verbose = 1;
- next; # }}}
- } elsif (($arg eq '-d') or ($arg eq '--debug')) { # {{{
- =item B<-d>, B<--debug>
- Print some debugging informations.
- =cut
- $opt_debug = 1;
- next; # }}}
- } elsif ($arg eq '--no-update-menus') { # {{{
- =item B<--no-update-menus>
- Inhibit running L<dwww-build-menu(8)>, L<dhelp_parse(8)>,
- and L<scrollkeeper-update(8)>.
- =cut
- $opt_update_menus = 0;
- next; # }}}
- } elsif ($arg eq '--rootdir') { # {{{
- =item B<--rootdir> I<dir>
- Set the root directory to I<dir> instead of `I</>'. Useful and valid only with
- the B<--check> action.
- =cut
- _CheckArgCount($#ARGV, "rootdir");
- $arg = shift @ARGV;
- -d $arg or die sprintf _g("`%s' does not exist or is not a directory"), $arg;
- ($opt_rootdir = $arg) =~ s/\/+$//;
- next; # }}}
- =back
- =head1 ACTIONS
- Below is list of possible actions B<install-docs> could handle. There can be only one action
- option passed to install-docs, moreover the action with its arguments must be the last option
- passed.
- Each I<file> argument should be the full path for the doc-base control file (i.e.
- `/usr/share/doc-base/some_file' or `/etc/doc-base/documents/some_file'), and each
- I<docid> should be the document identifier
- (Document identifiers are set in the `Document' field of the control file, and usually
- correspond to the package name.)
- If I<file> or I<docid> equals `B<->' (the minus sign), the list of
- arguments is read from the standard input (each file name or document id in separate line).
- =over 4
- =cut
- } elsif (($arg eq '-i') or ($arg eq '--install')) { # {{{
- =item B<-i> I<file> [I<file> ...], B<--install> I<file> [I<file> ...]
- Install the documentation described by the control file I<file>.
- =cut
- # install new docs
- _CheckArgCount($#ARGV, "install");
- SetMode($MODE_INSTALL, @ARGV) unless CheckFunctionality();
- last; # }}}
- } elsif (($arg eq '-r') or ($arg eq '--remove')) { # {{{
- =item B<-r> I<file> [I<file> ...], B<--remove> I<file> [I<file> ...]
- Remove the documentation identified by the control file
- I<file>.
- =cut
- # remove old docs #
- _CheckArgCount($#ARGV, "remove");
- SetMode($MODE_REMOVE, @ARGV) unless CheckFunctionality();
- last; # }}}
- } elsif (($arg eq '-c') or ($arg eq '--check')) { # {{{
- =item B<-c> I<file> [I<file> ...], B<--check> I<file> [I<file> ...]
- Check the control file I<file> and display number of possible problems found.
- Use with I<--verbose> to get the actual locations of errors and warnings.
- If I<--rootdir> was also given, its argument will be prepended to names of the files
- given if the `Files' and `Index' fields of the I<file>.
- =cut
- _CheckArgCount($#ARGV, "check");
- SetMode($MODE_CHECK, @ARGV);
- last; # }}}
- } elsif (($arg eq '-R') or ($arg eq '--remove-all')) { # {{{
- =item B<-R>, B<--remove-all>
- De-register all registered documents.
- =cut
- _CheckArgCount($#ARGV, "remove-all");
- CheckFunctionality(1);
- last; # }}}
- } elsif (($arg eq '-I') or ($arg eq '--install-all')) { # {{{
- =item B<-I>, B<--install-all>
- (Re)register all documents from F</usr/share/doc-base> and F</etc/doc-base/documents>.
- =cut
- _CheckArgCount($#ARGV, "install-all");
- CheckFunctionality(1);
- last; # }}}
- } elsif (($arg eq '-C') or ($arg eq '--install-changed')) { # {{{
- =item B<-C>, B<--install-changed>
- Compare contents of F</usr/share/doc-base> and F</etc/doc-base/documents> directories
- with registered documents database and de-register any files that are missing and
- (re)register only changed or new files.
- =cut
- _CheckArgCount($#ARGV, "install-changed");
- SetMode($MODE_INSTALL_CHANGED) unless CheckFunctionality();
- last; # }}}
- } elsif (($arg eq '-s') or ($arg eq '--status')) { # {{{
- =item B<-s> I<docid> [I<docid> ...], B<--status> I<docid> [I<docid> ...]
- Display the status of the document identifier I<docid>.
- =cut
- _CheckArgCount($#ARGV, "status");
- last; # }}}
- } elsif (($arg eq '-L') or ($arg eq '--listfiles')) { # {{{
- =item B<-L> I<docid> [I<docid> ...], B<--listfiles> I<docid> [I<docid> ...]
- Deprecated option. Does nothing.
- =cut
- warn sprintf _g("Ignoring deprecated command line argument: %s\n"), $arg;
- exit 0;
- # }}}
- } elsif ($arg eq '--dump-db') { # {{{
- =item B<--dump-db> I<dbname>
- Dumps contents of internal databases, for debugging purposes. I<dbname> can be either B<files.db> or
- B<status.db>.
- =cut
- _CheckArgCount($#ARGV, "dump-db");
- SetMode($MODE_DUMP_DB, @ARGV);
- last # }}}
- } elsif (($arg eq '-h') or ($arg eq '--help')) { # {{{
- =item B<-h>, B<--help>
- Show a short help message.
- =cut
- pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -exitval => 0);
- # NOT REACHED # }}}
- } elsif (($arg eq '-V') or ($arg eq '--version')) { # {{{
- =item B<-V>, B<--version>
- Display version infromation
- =back
- =cut
- print "install-docs $version\n";
- exit 0;
- # NOT REACHED # }}}
- } else { # {{{ default: die
- pod2usage(-msg => "Invalid argument: $arg", -verbose => 0, -exitval => 1);
- } # }}}
- }
- #### Main function
- InstallDocsMain();
- exit ($exitval);
- __DATA__
- The following features were added in version 0.8.4,
- please make sure to add proper
- `I<Conflicts>' or `I<Depends>' lines if you would like to use them in your package's scripts:
- =over
- =item *
- support for passing more than one argument to the B<-i> and B<-r> actions,
- =item *
- reading arguments from the standard input,
- =item *
- B<-I>,B<--install-all>, B<-R>, B<---remove-all>, B<-c>, B<--check> actions,
- =item *
- B<-d>, B<--debug>, B<-h>, B<--help> options.
- =back
- The B<-C>, B<--install-changed>, B<--dump-db>, B<-V>, B<--version> options were added in 0.8.12.
- =head1 FILES
- =over 4
- =item F</usr/share/doc-base/>
- The location of doc-base control files provided by various packages.
- =item F</etc/doc-base/documents/>
- The location of doc-base control files provided by local administrator.
- =item F</var/lib/doc-base/info/documents/>
- The location of registered control files.
- =item F</var/lib/doc-base/info/status.db>
- Statuses of registered documents.
- =item F</var/lib/doc-base/info/files.db>
- Timestamps and documents ids of registered doc-base files.
- =item F</var/lib/doc-base/omf/>
- The location of generated scrollkeeper OMF files.
- Note: F</usr/share/omf/doc-base> should be a symbolic link pointing to the directory.
- =back
- =head1 BUGS
- See L<http://bugs.debian.org/doc-base>.
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- dhelp(1), doccentral(1), dwww(7), scrollkeeper(7),
- Debian doc-base Manual F</usr/share/doc/doc-base/doc-base.html/index.html>
- =head1 AUTHOR
- This program was originally written by Christian Schwarz
- <schwarz@debian.org>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system, and the
- next maintainer was Adam Di Carlo <aph@debian.org>.
- Robert Luberda <robert@debian.org> is currently maintaining and extending it.
- This software was meant to be for the benefit of the entire Debian
- user and developer community. If you are interested in being involved
- with this software, please join the mailing list
- <debian-doc@lists.debian.org>.
- =cut